Provide information to your plan members on what funds are available to select and how to select their investments.

Materials for employees specific to target date funds

Why (and how to) choose target date funds – Explains how to choose the right target date fund.

Target Date Funds: investing in a target date fund that does not match your retirement date – Summarizes how target date funds work with a message about choosing the fund with the right date. 

Target Date Funds: more isn't always better – Summarizes how target date funds work with a message about choosing the fund with the right date.

Materials to share with your employees

Asset Allocation Tool: need help picking your funds? - A flyer that explains how the Asset Allocation Tool can help employees to choose their funds, and how to use it step-by-step.

Diversification: balance your investments – Explains the importance of investment diversification and the different funds available to employees in their plan.

Fees? What Fees? – One advantage of participating in a workplace plan is that the fees you pay may be lower and competitive compared to what a typical retail investor pays.

Recordings - This section is a group of short recordings to help educate employees on important investment topics.