We’ve developed this playbook to help employers better understand how group benefits fit into their organization’s overall diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) strategy. It’ll provide insights on how to make your workplace benefits more inclusive, equitable, and diverse. 

We know that benefits plans can be more inclusive and equitable. In partnership with Ipsos, Sun Life conducted a survey that found1:  

  • 30% of diverse Canadians somewhat or strongly disagree that their benefits plan is addressing their unique needs.
  • Those in the LGBTQ2+, Indigenous, and Persons with Disabilities communities are the least satisfied with their benefits plan.

We’ve developed new solutions to: 

  • help you diversify your group benefits offering
  • identify opportunities for improvement based on the unique needs of your plan member population.
Support workplace DE&I, get started with these 3 steps
Opportunities and objectives

Understanding your employee population, their needs, communication of benefits and costs.

Products and solutions

Overview of benefit offerings and solutions that can support diverse communities.


Continuous review of employee
needs and how benefit plan updates will be required.

"A strong, inclusive, benefits plan is more important than ever to help you achieve your organization’s goals. Offering benefits that meet the unique needs of your workforce, can help foster employee engagement, inclusivity, and talent. This playbook can help guide you no matter where you are on the DE&I journey." - Marie-Chantal Côté, Senior Vice-President, Group Benefits