Investment Solutions Executives – at your service! 

We offer innovative investment solutions.

It’s what we do best. And it all begins with our Investment Solutions team.

Governance Process


We continually monitor all the funds on our investment platforms but we stick a stake in the ground on a quarterly basis by conducting a review of all investment funds. We receive detailed qualitative and quantitative information to refresh our knowledge. The culmination of our due diligence process is updated evaluations of each fund.  This information is captured in several Client deliverables:

  • The Investment Review is our primary investment report for plan sponsors. It is prepared quarterly and includes an in-depth review of the funds in your line-up. 

  • Semi-annually we have all our fund managers attest to their compliance with regulations, their investment policies, and their code of ethics. We provide Clients with a certificate documenting this compliance. Where there are compliance violations, we provide plan sponsors with investment communications describing the nature of the violation, how long it persisted, any remedies (if applicable), and what policies or procedures the manager has put in place to prevent their recurrence. 

We provide you or your consultant with detailed and timely information on significant events at investment management firms or with specific funds. This can include:

  • Organizational changes
  • Loss of key investment personnel
  • Changes in investment style
  • Pending ongoing legal or regulatory issues
  • Persistent failure to comply with relevant legislation and/or investment guidelines
  • Significant loss of assets or clients

This will provide you with meaningful insight and help to assist you with your governance responsibilities.

  • In addition to supporting our Clients with individual investment decisions, we can perform a comprehensive review of a client’s fund line-up. Armed with current best practices, industry trends, and expert knowledge of our investment platform, we can help our client’s arrive at a fund line-up that instills confidence and meets their specific needs.

  • A key communication tool for plan sponsors and advisors is our “Watch List,” which is updated and communicated quarterly after completion of our fund reviews. The Watch List makes it easier for plan sponsors to keep up-to-date on potential issues with investment managers or specific funds and supports conversations with clients around key qualitative considerations. 

  • We want you to have the peace of mind that the investment options you offer to your plan members fully satisfy the Capital Accumulation Plan (CAP) Guidelines. Our CAPsure Warranty provides that assurance and comes at no additional cost to you.
  • CapSure means that were a third party successful in a legal claim that your plan contained insufficient diversification based on CAP Guidelines, or insufficient monitoring of the plan funds, Sun Life would cover any un-reimbursed losses. 

  • We partner with Morningstar to provide plan sponsors and plan members with the investment information they need.

Fund Managers

Sun Life provides you with access to over 140 investment options that cover a wide selection of complementary investment styles from many of Canada’s leading investment managers. These investment managers were chosen according to our established criteria, with a thorough review of their performance and commitment to their business.

Funds on Core

Our core investment platform provides you with portfolio solutions and individual (single asset class) funds covering a comprehensive range of risk tolerance levels, personal savings styles and life stages with a variety of traditional asset classes and specialty investment options which help meet the needs of current and evolving demographic trends.

The core investment platform offers:

  • Broad selection of complementary investment choices
  • Easy access with no minimum asset requirements
  • Reasonable fees
  • Administrative ease

Guaranteed Daily Interest Account

The Guaranteed Daily Interest Account (GDIA) credits interest on a daily basis while still providing the withdrawal flexibility of a money market fund.