HANS FRIEDRICH : I’m Hans Friedrich. I worked in the investment industry in Germany before I came to Canada and became a Sun Life advisor.
Being an analyst was a desk job—all screens, and very little interaction with people. Becoming a Sun Life advisor let me combine my two passions—people and investing markets.
About 2-3 times a week, I go into the office for in-person meetings. The rest of the time I work from home over Zoom.
I have about 5 meetings a day with Clients. And then there are internal meetings, too, because we’re a multi-advisor practice, and we help each other a lot.
I like that you can start as early as you want, work as late as you want, but you can carve out time during the day to make things happen for the family, or for yourself.
Like when I’m training for a triathlon, I’ll make time for a swim in the middle of the day or, you know, a bike or a run in the afternoon. I have four kids and I like to do a lot of sports with them, including coaching their hockey teams.
When I started, I was just focused on one area—investments—and my business development partner really opened my eyes to all the different Client needs I could address with holistic planning. That was a game changer for me.
To me "Being the Difference" means working every day to improve peoples' lives. I love when I am able to inform Clients that they might be able to retire even earlier than they expected.
So, the sky is truly the limit. You can build your own company, with your own style and a holistic approach to deliver to Clients. You can really fulfil your vision.
You have credibility with the Sun Life name, people just know us.
Sun Life has a very collaborative culture. I feel like everyone is really working towards the same mission, from head office all the way through to the advisor teams. Everyone supports each other.
To be successful, you’ve got to be excited for the day—and love talking to people. And you can really accomplish whatever it is that you want.
A Sun Life career was the change I needed.
Be the difference. Be a Sun Life advisor.