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A Bright Paper is a Sun Life thought leadership white paper report that demonstrates points of interest, market insights and/or research. They provide relevant and helpful content to keep you informed and up-to-date on current trends and topics.
The Real Deal: How Real Assets can improve member outcomes in CAPs
Brace for impact: Adjusting for inflation in Capital Accumulation Plans
The impact of high inflation and volatile returns on group retirement plans
Dynamic Pensions: Pooling risk reaps rewards
The decumulation challenge in today's reality
The TFSA: 12 years on and growing strong
Workplace Savings: 8 trends to watch
Fight, not flight: Shaping a better future through ESG engagement
Empowering Employees to Improve their Financial Wellness
Capital accumulation plans: Why income should be the outcome
Sharing the Risk: Sun Life Delegated DC
Boost workplace retirement savings through simplified enrolment