Five million Canadians will turn 65 this decade. Providing employees with support to and through the decumulation phase - the drawing down of income in retirement - is essential to creating sustainable retirement income. It also helps employees achieve on-time retirement and supports organizational health.

While there is no single way to solve the decumulation challenge, Sun Life has the expertise to help navigate to and through this phase. We’ll continue to provide a spectrum of guidance, advice, tools, advocacy and thought leadership – for you and your employees.


A guide to help you learn more about Decumulation support at Sun Life.

Dynamic Pensions
Bright Paper™

Our latest bright paper report examines how Dynamic Pension pools can help employees optimize their retirement income.

Celine’s My Money in Retirement journey

The retirement journey video

Using a combination of tools and advice to plan her retirement journey, Celine achieves money for life and the security to live life her way.

Meeting the decumulation challenge through digital engagement and data

Powered by data analytics and artificial intelligence, we use personalized nudges to proactively engage employees at pivotal life moments to improve retirement outcomes. 

More digital interactions with Sun Life led to1:


higher account balances


higher contributions

1 2021 Designed for Savings Report, Sun Life Group Retirement Services 

  • November 12, 2021

    Do retirement income plans match reality?

    Workplace savings plans are often the cornerstone of employee retirement plans. They should be a comfort to people seeking security after their working years.

The decumulation challenge in today’s reality

In this Bright Paper we highlight some of the challenges plan members face in achieving on-time retirement, and how plan sponsors can support employees both to and through retirement. 

Read the bright paper

Designed for Savings 2023

Packed with plan data, trends and analysis, this report continues to provide the most comprehensive look at capital accumulation plans in Canada.

Read Sun Life’s flagship report on workplace retirement savings

Retirement Readiness

Key updates from our 2020 Year in Review on our commitment to engaging with plan members and supporting retirement readiness.

How to ensure plan members have the financial resources they need for on-time retirement