The pandemic has stretched both employers’ and employees’ resilience. The effects on mental health might be long-lasting for many. Now more than ever, a workplace mental health strategy will be critical for employers to achieve their organizational goals.

In these new Mental Health case studies, you’ll find employers who took concrete actions to improve workplace mental health. You can learn from their achievements and adopt similar actions to build a successful mental health strategy of your own.

Build your own roadmap to wellness

Sun Life is here to support you. We have the resources to help you achieve your mental health goals. Since 2021, we’ve focused on improving mental health supports in the areas of access and prevention:

  • Extended the Mental Health Coach pilot, provided by CloudMD, which resulted in plan members increasing their use of psychological benefits. We’ve seen clinically significant improvements in anxiety and depression among participating plan members
  • Provided an integrated experience with Virtual Care Solutions. The number of employees engaged with Lumino Health Virtual Care, powered by Dialogue, for mental health supports increased
  • Launched and enhanced the Mental Health Strategy Toolkit. It’s a free resource that helps you build your own successful workplace mental health strategy

Ways to promote mental well-being at work

This is how you can get started:

  • Read and share our new Mental Health case studies to learn more about the actions you can take and the supports available to you.
  • Use the Mental Health Strategy Toolkit. It’s a free and practical way to get started on your journey to building a successful strategy of your own.
  • Contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative to learn more.

Questions? We’re here to help.

Please contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative.