Mental health continues to be the leading cause of disability among employers of all sizes. In fact, mental health claims now account for 30% of all disability claims. They also represent 45% of total claims costs.[i]

Between 2014 and 2019, long-term disability (LTD) claims grew by 27%.[ii] Since then, the impact of COVID-19 has added another layer of complexity to the issue. Yet the full effect of the pandemic on Canadians’ mental health won’t likely be felt for quite some time.[iii] You can take action to minimize the potential impact on your organization now.

How we can help you

Our new Designed for Health report offers solutions to help you address mental health in your workplace. It highlights the tools and resources we offer to help you mitigate the issue of rising disability claims now and post-pandemic. This includes:

  • The Mental Health Strategy toolkit – a step-by-step guide to building an effective strategy for your organization.
  • Online manager training videos – self-teaching video modules to help people leaders learn to:
    • identify potential mental health issues in the workplace,
    • communicate effectively,
    • help build a healthy environment,
    • identify and address the stigma related to mental health issues.

We also provide you with solutions to support plan members who are working while experiencing mental health issues, and those on mental health-related leave.

More insights on mental health-related disability claims

For more insights on mental health-related disability claims, see our Designed for Health - A focus on mental health disability claims report, launched in early 2020.

Strategic solutions to rising mental health disability claims

These are challenging times. We want to ensure you have access to the solutions you need to support your plan members’ mental health – now and in the future. With the right solutions, a lot is possible – as seen in our most recent Bright Paper.

Download the new Designed for Health - Disability claims in focus: mental health, COVID-19 and beyond report here. Then contact your Sun Life representative. They can help you get the solutions you need to minimize the potential impact on your organization, now and post-pandemic.

Questions? We’re here to help.

If you have less than 50 employees, please contact the Client Relations Representative Team at 1-866-606-8936.

If you have more than 50 employees, please contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative.



[i], [ii] Sun Life block data

[iii] Sun Life, Designed for Health - A focus on mental health disability claims, 2020