In July, Sun Life will launch Lumino HealthTM Pharmacy, provided by Pillway. Lumino Health Pharmacy gives Sun Life plan members easy access to pharmacists for medication and coaching. There’s even free delivery within Canada to help plan members manage their medication routines with confidence.
Almost half of Canadians require maintenance medication to treat chronic conditions. And about 50% don’t take their medications as prescribed,1 which can cause conditions and diseases to worsen. Maintenance medications treat chronic conditions and are usually taken for three months or more. By launching Lumino Health Pharmacy, we hope to:
- provide direct access to pharmacists for ongoing 1-on-1 support and coaching, and
- help close the non-adherence gap.
About Lumino Health Pharmacy
More Canadians are turning to pharmacists for health care advice. Lumino Health Pharmacy helps plan members get advice easier and faster.
Lumino Health Pharmacy is a free, optional service. There’s no additional cost to offer it to your plan members and they can choose to use it if they want to.
How Lumino Health Pharmacy can help
Lumino Health Pharmacy aims to help plan members who take maintenance medications, by:
- increasing access to pharmacists,
- improving health literacy, and
- simplifying their medication routines.
Lumino Health Pharmacy can also improve plan member health outcomes by improving medication adherence with coaching from pharmacists.
About the launch
This phase of the launch will exclude plan members who live in Quebec. Lumino Health Pharmacy will be available to Quebec residents by the end of the year.
Starting in July, we’ll send emails to tell targeted plan members about Lumino Health Pharmacy. They’ll receive up to four emails over four weeks. These emails aim to raise awareness and encourage them to register.
We’ll roll out Lumino Health Pharmacy to targeted plan members (except for Quebec residents) who:
- currently take maintenance medications, and
- aren’t currently claiming a specialty medication (within the last 12 months). Specialty medications are drugs that are covered under our Prior Authorization (PA) program.
While we’re targeting these plan members with our communications, Lumino Heath Pharmacy is available to all plan members if they want to use it.
When plan members login to the my sunlife mobile app or, they’ll get messages about Lumino Health Pharmacy. All plan members who register to use Lumino Health Pharmacy before August 31, 2023, will get a $50 offer from Sun Life. It will be automatically applied against a plan member’s out-of-pocket costs on eligible drugs. Plan members don’t need to use the full $50 in one transaction. They’ll have until August 31, 2024, to use the full amount. This offer has no monetary value and isn’t redeemable for cash.
About Pillway
Pillway operates pharmacies in British Columbia and Ontario and provides services across Canada, except in Quebec. Quebec service is expected by the end of year.
In addition to dispensing and shipping medications directly to plan members, Pillway also handles payments and insurance billing.
For more information read our FAQ.
Express Scripts Canada (ESC) and our Preferred Pharmacy Network (PPN)
ESC remains our PPN partner for specialty medications due to their network and capabilities.
Lumino Health Pharmacy aims to help plan members who take maintenance medications and isn’t intended to compete with our specialty PPN provider.
Sun Life is committed to building an ecosystem of health offerings to help Canadians. Lumino Health Pharmacy, provided by Pillway is an important first step in this journey. Visit Lumino Health Pharmacy to learn more. Registration for plan members will open in July.
Questions? We’re here to help.
Please contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative.
TM Used under license by Simpill Health Group Inc.
1 Medavie BC “Medication non-adherence: Tackling the “elephant in the room”