In addition to the stress of the transition, the process could involve many changes. These might include modified job duties, reduced days or hours and physical workplace accommodations.

There’s no guarantee of success, and the costs can be high when a return to work isn’t ideal. For employees, it represents a step back in their recovery. For the employer, less-than-optimal returns can contribute to recurring claims, low productivity and, ultimately, attrition. It’s a cycle that can negatively impact your wider corporate culture.

We wanted to learn more about this critical issue for employers and employees. In partnership with Ipsos, we conducted two surveys earlier this year. The first survey focused on Canadian employers who managed employees returning to work after a disability leave. The second looked at Canadian employees who returned from a disability leave.

Our new return-to-work infographic reveals some key insights from this research. And there are many others that we’ll be outlining in our full research report. These include:

  • The pressure many employees feel to return to work before they’re ready.
  • The greater challenges faced by those returning from a mental-health leave versus those returning from other types of leave.

We encourage you to download and share the infographic. We look forward to releasing our full research report on the return-to-work process in Spring 2024. The report will uncover some of the potential barriers to a successful return. It will also highlight actions you can take to support a sustainable return to work after a disability leave.

Questions? We’re here to help.

Please contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative.