Managers play an important role in supporting the mental well-being of their team members. Educating managers about how to recognize mental health issues in the workplace is essential for your company’s overall health. Mental health training can empower managers to create a supportive and caring environment. This can help reduce stigma related to mental health issues.

Empower your leaders to put workplace mental health and well-being at the center of their leadership approach.

Through the following video modules, specifically for people leaders, teach them how to:

  • create a supportive work environment
  • recognize warning signs of mental health issues
  • identify effective communication strategies
  • dismantle mental health stigma in the workplace

Helpful resources

Module 1

Introduction to
mental health and disability

Download video

Module 2

Managing mental
health in the

Download video

Module 3


Download video

Module 4

Managing difficult
behaviour and
interpersonal conflict

Download video

Module 5

Staying at work
and returning
to work

Download video

You’ll discover valuable tips and resources that you can share with all employees (whether people leaders or individual contributors) to continuously improve mental health in your workplace.

Helpful resources

Learn from other companies on how they supported their employees. Hear from two employers who took action on workplace
mental health.


We have a partnership with the Mental Health Commission of Canada! Sun Life's Clients can access facilitated mental health training at a 10% discounted rate. This discount is currently exclusive to Sun Life Clients.

There are two programs which can be facilitated in-person or virtually:

The Working Mind is an evidence-based, proactive program. It’s designed to address and promote mental health and reduce the stigma of mental illness in a workplace setting. Participants learn:

  • how to recognize changes in behaviour (theirs or others) that could indicate mental health issues, and
  • coping strategies for when they feel like they’re moving on the mental health continuum.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Standard is a reactive training program. It provides support to a person who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis. During the course, participants will learn how to:

  • recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being, and
  • provide support to that person through the MHFA actions.

To learn more about this training, contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative today.

To learn more about the Mental Health Commission of Canada, you can visit their website.