As a plan sponsor, you have the greatest influence over workplace culture and employee supports. It begins with the firm support of leadership. But even with this support, many organizations tell us it’s difficult to identify next steps, or where to start.

The Sun Life Group Benefits team is making it easy for you with their free, digital mental health strategy toolkit.

A free resource – available now

No matter where you are with your workplace mental health strategy, our toolkit can help. It provides specific guidance and actionable tools and resources that you can use to improve workplace mental health. Your actions can help employees at every stage of the health continuum – healthy and at work, needing support, or on leave.

It walks you through the stages of building a strategy, with integrated access to our solutions. This includes:

  • Information on what factors influence mental health in the workplace
  • Advice on assessing your organization’s mental health needs, setting mental health objectives and key metrics for measuring success
  • Manager mental health training videos
  • Return to work tips for managers

This toolkit has been built based on our own organizational health consulting best practices. We know the approaches work because we’ve seen them work with organizations of every size – in every industry.

We encourage to use it – and take a proactive approach to addressing workplace mental health.


For more information, please contact your Sun Life representative.