When Sun Life’s DB Solutions team was formed, it consisted of only a single person. It has now grown to over 40 experts. The team is focused on creating innovative solutions for de-risking DB pension plans and advocating for market growth.

This fall, we’re excited to celebrate our 15th anniversary! We’re highlighting important milestones and ground-breaking transactions in the Canadian group annuity market from the last 15 years.

Back in 2008, only terminating defined benefit pension plans used group annuities. It was rare for consultants to talk with plan sponsors about how annuities could help manage pension risk. Today, the landscape looks very different. Group annuities have gained popularity due to a better understanding of the benefits they provide. Pension risk management has become mainstream. For a more detailed look at important milestones, visit DB Solutions. Discover the importance of these advancements for DB plan sponsors and how DB Solutions plays a vital role in driving the market forward.


Contact your Sun Life Group Retirement Services representative.