Today mental health is top of mind for many of us. The incidence of mental health issues continue to rise and affects our families, colleagues and communities.

At Sun Life, we know the importance of supporting the mental health of your employees.  We do this by providing innovative solutions to help them stay healthy or return to health. Last year we launched pharmacogenomics – a revolutionary way to get those on disability the right medication, faster. This year we will continue to explore and invest in solutions that will continue to make a difference.

We have a wealth of resources available for you to share with your employees:

  • Our Bright Paper Innovations in Absence & Disability Management: Access to Care
  • podcast to help people understand the differences between various mental health professionals such as psychologists and psychiatrists
  • Health content and other resources available on Lumino Health
  • Our January 16 communication on supporting good mental health

We encourage you to be part of the conversation on mental health. 

Questions? We’re here to help.

For Clients with less than 50 employees, please contact your Client Service Administrator at 1-877-786-7227.

For Clients with more than 50 employees, please contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative.