If you’re using our Plan Sponsor Site, we’ve added an acknowledgment section to help you remember these requirements. 

When adding a member residing in Quebec, you’ll have to acknowledge you provided your plan members with this information:  

  • their benefits booklet; 
  • plan information; but not advice 
  • a referral to Sun Life or to an advisor for answers about coverage needs; 
  • all the information about their disability plan including; 
    • benefit calculation formula,  
    • definition of disability,  
    • exclusions, and  
    • pre-existing conditions.  

This information is available in the Disability Insurance - Important information flyer. You can also decide to use your own material to share the above information with your members. 

To ensure your plan members understand their disability plan, please make sure to inform them accordingly. Please note that only sharing the employee benefits booklet with your members isn’t sufficient. 

Our Plan Administration Guides include these new updates. You can find them on the Plan Sponsor Site under "Guides for Group Benefits administrators". 

Questions? We’re here to help.  

If you have fewer than 50 employees, please contact your Client Service Administrator at 1-877-786-7227.  

If you have more than 50 employees, please contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative.