The Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires (AQPP) is a professional union that represents over 2,000 owner pharmacists in Quebec. Over the past two years, insurers and third-party payers have been working with the AQPP to develop a new collaboration agreement. As of January 17, 2020, all parties have approved a new agreement. This agreement will come into effect February 1, 2020, for a period of 3 years.

We believe that this new agreement has the potential to improve the efficiency and sustainability of drug plans. Our team will continue to review the agreement and how it may impact our drug plans. We’ll keep you informed as new information becomes available. 

Questions? We’re here to help.

For Clients with less than 50 employees, please contact your Client Service Administrator at 1-877-786-7227.

For Clients with more than 50 employees, please contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative.