Today, the Alberta Seniors Benefit Drug Program covers non-senior dependents. That includes spouses/partners and dependents under the age of 65. But, on March 1, 2020, coverage for dependents will end.

What is Sun Life doing?

We’ll be updating our claims practices for the Provincial integration of non-senior dependents, in time for this change. We’ll also no longer ask non-senior dependents to apply for coverage through the Alberta Seniors Benefit Drug Program.

How will that affect you?

This means some drug costs and other health benefit costs may be shifted to private plans. Your plan members can submit eligible claims for dependents covered under their Sun Life plan.

As a result of this change, we expect changes to your total plan pricing to be minimal. Only a few Clients may see adjustments at renewal time, if needed.

Member information

If members have any questions regarding their coverage, they may contact the Alberta Health Care Insurance Office (AHCIP) at 780-427-1432 or here.

Questions? We’re here to help.

For Clients with less than 50 employees, please contact your Client Service Administrator at 1-877-786-7227.

For Clients with more than 50 employees, please contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative.