With this video, titled Managing disruptions: Impacts on your well-being, plan members can learn how to:

  • prioritize their self-care,
  • track their financial needs,
  • reach out for the support they need, and
  • make use of the tools and resources available to manage their mental and financial health.

This could help them live happier, healthier lives.

How we can help

We’re committed to providing you and your Clients with the tools and resources needed to improve plan members’ mental and financial health. This new video adds an important tool to their toolkit, without added cost.

Communication plan

What you can do to help

Read the sponsor Focus Update and watch the new video to learn more. Then speak with your Clients about the tools and resources we provide to help improve their plan members’ mental and financial health.

You can also share this information with your teams and organization.

Questions? We’re here to help.

Please contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative.