An advisor can help you grow your money throughout your lifetime. Talk to a Sun Life advisor to learn about your options.
Did you know that many Canadians are now outliving common life expectancies?
With at least 16 years of retirement to look forward to, you need to plan for your money to last. To get help: Review your results with an advisor
Talk to an advisor for helpful advice on how you can meet your financial needs today, and in retirement.
Based on what you told us, you could expect to live up to {n} years longer than the average person. No calculator can really predict how long you might live, but here are some steps you could take that may help keep you on track. Based on what you told us, you could expect to live up to {n} years less than the average person. No calculator can really predict how long you might live, but here are some steps you could take that may help you live longer. Based on what you told us, you could expect to live about as long as the average person. No calculator can really predict how long you might live, but here are some steps you could take that may help you live longer.
Insert description.
Heavy drinker - More than 24 (men) or 17 (women) alcoholic drinks per week in the past month
Several drinks per day - 10 to 24 (for men) or 6 to 17 (women) alcoholic drinks per week
Almost daily - 5 to 9 (men) or 3 to 5 (women) alcoholic drinks per week
A few drinks per week - 1 to 4 (men) or 1 to 2 (women) alcoholic drinks per week
Occasionally - Less than one alcoholic drink per month
Current non-drinker - Zero alcoholic drinks in the last 12 months
Poor - Rarely or never eat fruit/vegetables
Insufficient - 1 or 2 servings of fruit/vegetables every day
Moderate - 3 or 4 servings of fruit/vegetables every day
Healthy - 5 or more servings of fruit/vegetables every day
Healthy eating means a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains, meat/alternatives and milk/alternatives. Check out Canada’s Food Guide.
February 28, 2017
Based on what you told us, you can expect to live to 86, which you'll reach in the year 2068.
To start planning for your retirement with helpful advice,
talk to your advisor or visit
Current age:
30 years old