Critical illness insurance calculator

Man kissing woman on head

Your current monthly expenses:

Your current monthly expenses:


Additional expenses due to illness:

Additional expenses due to illness:


Your existing insurance coverage:

Your existing insurance coverage:

Symbol of heart with band-aid

Financial impact of a serious illness for 1 year:

In only 10 years, getting sick could cost you $161,181 with inflation — that's a $39,256 increase.
Learn how you can help cushion the financial impact of a serious illness with critical illness insurance:

Review your results with an advisor  

Financial impact of a serious illness for 1 year:

In only 10 years, getting sick could cost you $161,181 with inflation - that's a $39,256 increase.
Learn how you can help cushion the financial impact of a serious illness with critical illness insurance:

Review your results with an advisor  

Explore the financial impact of an illness:

Explore the financial impact of an illness:

Find out how the impact of a serious illness on your finances can change by adjusting the numbers below.

Total funds needed to cover the cost of a serious illness
Existing insurance coverage: $10,000
Extra funds needed today: $0
Extra funds needed in 10 years: $0
See what happens if it takes you more or less time to recover, or if you change your expected expenses.
Length of recovery:

If you were to become seriously ill today and need 12 months to recover, we calculate the impact on your finances would be $121,925.

But if you get sick in 10 years time with the same 12 month recovery, inflation would drive the financial impact up to $161,181.   Inflation - Help

Your next steps:

Your next steps:

Now that you’re thinking about the cost of a serious illness, you may be interested in…

The power of being prepared

A serious illness can change your life. But if you’re financially prepared, you can spend less of your energy worrying about paying the bills, and more on your recovery.

Learn more about critical illness insurance

The best coverage for you

Other helpful insurance resources to consider:

Do you need critical illness insurance?
What is critical illness insurance? (Video)

Let's connect

An advisor can help you protect yourself and your family from the costs of a serious illness. Review your results with an advisor to learn which coverage is right for you.

Send your results

The power of being prepared

A serious illness can change your life. But if you’re financially prepared, you can spend less of your energy worrying over paying the bills, and more on your recovery.

Learn more about critical illness insurance

The best coverage for you

Other helpful insurance resources to consider:

Do you need critical illness insurance?
What is critical illness insurance? (Video)

Let's connect

An advisor can help you protect yourself and your family from the costs of a serious illness. Review your results with an advisor to learn which coverage is right for you.

Send your results

Review your results with an advisor

An advisor can help you determine the right coverage to protect your family and your finances.

Review your results with an advisor to learn which kind of critical illness insurance coverage is right for you.

Find an advisor

Get a critical illness insurance quote

You can buy critical illness insurance online or with help from an advisor.

Be sure to compare critical illness insurance products so that you understand all of your options.

Compare critical illness insurance products