JULY 15, 2022
By Jillian Stinson

Read time: 2.5 minutes

Inflation, recession and volatile stock markets… does it feel like we are going through a period of economic uncertainty? Finding an advisor could help. An advisor could help you alleviate some financial stress, and give you peace of mind

You want to find someone you can connect with and trust; someone who can:

  • do the work of getting to know you and your situation,
  • help you create a strategy that balances your needs today and in the future needs, and
  • help you meet your financial responsibilities and achieve your goals.

Need an advisor? Find one today

Use these five tips to find a qualified advisor who can give you the financial advice you need.

Article content: 

  1. Think about your financial goals
  2. Ask questions during your first meeting 
  3. Ask to talk to referrals 
  4. Interview more than one person 
  5. Check their credentials and professional history

1. Think about your financial goals

To help make the most of your first conversation with an advisor, spend some time thinking about: 

  • your goals,
  • your financial obligations, and 
  • the people and things that are important to you.

If your job has benefitspension or savings plans, gather all the information you can. But don’t worry if everything doesn’t come together at once. When you find the right advisor, they’ll ask questions to help provide the advice that’s right for you. 

2. Ask questions during your first meeting 

When you’re talking with a potential advisor, ask about their level of experience and qualifications. To do this, you can ask questions like:

  • Why did you choose this profession?
  • Do you have experience dealing with financial situations like mine?
  • What services can you provide for me? What don’t you provide?
  • How stable is the company you work with? (You want to make sure the company will be around when you need it.)
  • Do you keep up with new products and services so I don't miss out? How often can I expect to hear from you?
  • How can I prepare for our next meeting?

3. Ask to talk to referrals

It’s a good idea to ask others about their experiences with the advisor you’re considering. You may feel a little uncomfortable at first. But, asking for referrals is a common practice that advisors and Clients are happy to help with.

When talking with a reference, you may want to ask:

  • How long have you worked with the advisor?
  • Have you been satisfied with the service provided?
  • How often do you hear from them? Who initiates calls and what are most calls about?
  • Do they respond to your questions and your calls?
  • Has anything about your relationship surprised or disappointed you?

Asking the right questions will help you find a qualified advisor that you can feel comfortable working with.

4. Interview more than one person 

If you don’t quite connect with the first advisor you talk to, that’s ok! You don’t have to settle for the first one. You should never work with someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. If you’re not happy talking about your finances with someone, you’re not talking to the right person. 

So, keep looking and interviewing. It’s important to find someone you feel understands your goals and needs. A relationship with an advisor tends to be long term. Planning, saving, protecting your money, and transitioning to retirement is a process. It’s not a one-time event. Feel free to chat with a few before buying any products.

5. Check their credentials and professional history 

When your advisor has the right credentials, you can make financial decisions with confidence. Check the experience and credentials of your advisor. Remember that the financial services community is vast. You need to have a clear idea of your advisor's areas of expertise. 

You also want to check that the chosen advisor has the right to offer the type of advice and products you need. 

Let us guide you

This article is meant to only provide general information. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada does not provide legal, accounting, taxation, or other professional advice. Please seek advice from a qualified professional, including a thorough examination of your specific legal, accounting and tax situation