Sun Critical Illness Insurance

Comprehensive critical illness coverage

Sun Critical Illness Insurance gives you the advantage of comprehensive coverage in amounts from $25,000 to $3 million for adults and for $25,000 to $1 million for children.

The adult plans covers 26 critical illnesses for full payout (including acquired brain injury and loss of independent existence) and 8 minor illnesses for partial payout. The child plans cover an additional 5 illnesses.

Teladoc Medical Experts services are also available to help you understand your medical condition and treatment options so you can make informed decisions about your healthcare.

You may want to consider this product if:

  • You want to protect your financial plan against the risk of an unexpected illness with higher coverage amounts
  • You are between age 18 to 65 and want protection that covers a broader range of illnesses
  • You want to protect children or grandchildren with their own insurance coverage that they can have for life.

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Plan details:

When you choose Sun Critical Illness Insurance, your policy defines the illnesses for which you are covered. You must meet the definition and the associated survival period to receive the benefit.

Illnesses covered

Age requirements

  • You must be between the age of 18 and 65.
  • Children can be covered if they are between the age of 30 days and 17 years.
  • Child plans continue into adulthood without any medical review.

Available plans

Coverage automatically renews at the end of each 10-year term, and the renewal premiums are guaranteed.

This plan provides coverage to the policy anniversary nearest the insured person’s 75th birthday. Coverage will end earlier when:

  • A claim is paid for a full payout illness
  • The insured person dies, or
  • The policy is cancelled

This plan provides coverage to the policy anniversary nearest the insured person’s 75th birthday. Coverage will end earlier when:

  • A claim is paid for a full payout illness
  • The insured person dies, or
  • The policy is cancelled

Premiums stay the same during the payment option chosen. There are 2 payment options:

  • Pay to age 75
  • Pay for 15 years

This plan provides coverage for life. At the end of the payment period, coverage will continue-until:

  • A claim is paid for a full payout illness
  • The insured person dies, or
  • The policy is cancelled

Premiums stay the same during the payment option chosen. There are 3 payment options:

  • Pay to age 100
  • Pay for 15 years
  • Pay for 10 years

Coverage amounts

  • Adult plans: $25,000 to $3 million
  • Child plans: $25,000 to $1 million

Additional services

Teladoc Medical Experts services are available to help you understand your medical condition and treatment options so you can make informed decisions about your healthcare1.

1Teladoc Medical Experts isn’t part of the policy. We can’t guarantee its availability. It may be withdrawn or modified at any time, without notice.

Teladoc Medical Experts® and other trademarks shown are trademarks of Teladoc Medical Experts, Inc. Used under license.

Optional benefits

These benefits can be added to enhance your plan at an additional cost:

  • If the insured person dies while the policy is in effect and no claim has been made, the beneficiary will receive 100% of the returnable premiums.
  • The returnable premium amount is the total of all premiums paid for the policy minus any premiums paid for the long term care conversion option, if included in the policy.
  • The returnable premium amount is reduced by any unpaid premiums plus interest.
  • The returnable premium amount for child policies will be further reduced by any advanced return of premium amount we have paid.

  • Return of premium on cancellation or expiry is offered on T10 and T75 plans.
  • Return of premium on cancellation is offered on T100 plans. T100 plans don't expire.

There are 3 options for adult plans: 

15-year option. We will pay a percentage of the returnable premium amount to the owner if the policy is cancelled on or after the 3rd policy anniversary, if the CII benefit is not payable. The benefit has no value if the policy is cancelled before this date. The percentage amount starts at 10% of the returnable premium amount and increases by 7.5% per year to a maximum of 100%. (Not available on T10 plans) If the policy expires at age 75 and no claim for a full-payout covered illness has been made, you can receive 100% of the returnable premiums. We will also pay the policy owner any amount in the withdrawable premium fund on the policy end date.

Policy anniversary




























Age-65 option. We will pay a percentage of the returnable premium amount to the owner if the policy is cancelled on or after the policy anniversary nearest the insured person’s 53rd birthday, if the CII benefit is not payable. The benefit has no value if the policy is cancelled before this date. The percentage amount starts at 10% of the returnable premium amount and increases by 7.5% per year to a maximum of 100%. It is not available on plans with limited premium payment periods. If the policy expires at age 75 and no claim for a full-payout covered illness has been made, you can receive 100% of the returnable premiums. We will also pay the policy owner any amount in the withdrawable premium fund on the policy end date.

Age nearest policy anniversary




























Age-75 option. We will pay a percentage of the returnable premium amount to the owner if the policy is cancelled on or after the policy anniversary nearest the insured person’s 63rd birthday, if the CII benefit is not payable. The benefit has no value if the policy is cancelled before this date. The percentage amount starts at 10% of the returnable premium amount and increases by 7.5% per year to a maximum of 100%. It is not available on plans with limited premium payment periods. If the policy expires at age 75 and no claim for a full-payout covered illness has been made, you can receive 100% of the returnable premiums. We will also pay the policy owner any amount in the withdrawable premium fund on the policy end date.

Age nearest policy anniversary




























There are 2 options for child plans:  
  • Advanced return of premium, for plans that are paid over the life of the policy. You receive an automatic return of 75% of the returnable premiums on the later of the 15th policy anniversary or the policy anniversary nearest the child’s 25th birthday. You can receive the remaining returnable premium amount if the policy is cancelled on or after the later of the 30th policy anniversary or the policy anniversary nearest the child’s 40th birthday.
  • Age-35 option, for plans when the pay-for-10-years or pay-for-15-years payment option is chosen. You can receive the returnable premiums if the policy is cancelled on or after the policy anniversary nearest the child’s 35th birthday.
  • If the T10 or T75 plan is chosen and no claim for a full-payout-covered illness has been made, you can receive the returnable premiums when the policy expires at age 75.

The returnable premium amount is the total of all premiums paid for the policy minus any premiums paid for the long term care conversion option, if included in the policy.

  • The returnable premium amount is reduced by any unpaid premiums plus interest.
  • The returnable premium amount for child policies will be further reduced by any advanced return of premium amount we have paid.

  • This benefit continues coverage if the insured person becomes totally disabled. You will not have to pay premiums for your insurance and any optional benefits.

  • If the policy owner dies, we will pay the premiums for the insurance and any optional benefits.

  • If the policy owner becomes totally disabled, we will pay the premiums for the insurance and any optional benefits.

  • If the policy owner dies or becomes totally disabled, we will pay the premiums for the insurance and any optional benefits.

The long term care conversion option gives you the right to convert critical illness insurance to a long term care insurance policy without the need to supply us with new medical information or a medical review.

  • You may apply for this benefit if you are between the ages of 18 and 50 when you purchase your plan.
  • The conversion can be made starting on the policy anniversary nearest your 60th birthday until the policy anniversary nearest your 65th birthday.
  • The long term care insurance policy weekly benefit amount is calculated by dividing the critical illness insurance amount being converted by 200. The maximum amount that may be converted per insured person is $250,000 (for a weekly benefit amount of $1,250).
  • Premiums for the new long term care insurance policy will be based on your age and our rates when you apply for conversion.

Cost of this plan

The premium you pay will depend on:

  • The type of plan you choose
  • The payment period you choose
  • Your gender, age, smoking status, medical history and other factors

Premium guarantee

Premiums are guaranteed as shown in your policy.

Sample policies

Read examples of text that can appear in a policy. Not all the provisions apply to every policy – it is simply for your reference. When we issue a policy it governs the legal relationship between Sun Life Financial and the client. An actual policy can have provisions that are somewhat different from those that you've read here.

Term 10 (insured person: age nearest 18 - 65)

Term 75 – limited pay (insured person: age nearest 18 - 65)

Lifetime (insured person: age nearest 18 - 65)

Term 75 (insured person: age nearest 30 days - 17 years)

Lifetime - limited pay (insured person: age nearest 0 - 17)

Get critical illness insurance

Step 1: Find an advisor

Critical illness insurance is a specialized product. Your decision to buy coverage should be made with the help of someone who really understands the product. An advisor can help you determine the right coverage to meet your need to protect your family and your finances. Talk to your advisor or find an advisor near you to help answer your questions. There is no cost to talk to an advisor.

Step 2: Meet with your advisor

To get the most out of the meeting with your advisor, take some time beforehand to think carefully about what you want to achieve. And because your advisor will need additional information to help recommend the policy that’s right for you, get together some basic information about your income, assets and liabilities.

Step 3: Apply for coverage

Your advisor will handle the paperwork for you. You’ll need to submit an application for a policy that will be evaluated by the insurance company. Depending on your age and the type and amount of coverage you want, you will need to answer a medical questionnaire. You may also be asked to provide additional medical information.