At Sun Life, we are committed to forging a more inclusive world for women.

In 2024, women find themselves in a pivotal moment, with more money and influence than ever. They are the primary or equal providers in almost half of Canadian households. And by 2028, Canadian women will control $4 trillion in assets. But there are still many challenges. Canadian women live longer – which means planning for a longer retirement – and many are still paid 89 cents on the dollar.

At Sun Life, we see that women’s wealth, health and well-being are connected in ways that are often unique to their gender.

Women experience a statistically higher number of career breaks, as they care for family members, or themselves, through their family-planning journey. Also, women’s health needs differ significantly from those of men; yet research has shown that they are not always granted the necessary resources and attention. For example: 50% of women who experience heart attacks have their symptoms go unrecognized.

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What does inspire inclusion mean to you? 

Tammi Wortham – SVP, Human Resources, Sun Life U.S.

Think about the last time that you felt included. You were in an inclusive environment. I call it warmth. They belong. They belong there. Exactly. The belonging. When you are in that space, there is nothing you want more than to pay that forward. Inspiring is the energy. The outcome is inclusion.

Laura Money – Executive Vice-President, Chief Information and Technology Innovation Officer

Representation matters. You need to make sure that all sorts of different viewpoints are included and you have to set an environment where people do feel free to speak up because otherwise you're not going to get that diversity of opinion. Having different viewpoints is valid and really ensuring that diversity of thought and sometimes some healthy conflict happens.

Khin Walker – VP, Infrastructure and Technology Enablement

The best ideas actually come from the collaboration of that diverse experience, unique experience and backgrounds. So really showing to them they are valued, is actually really key to me in terms of inspiring inclusion.

Rowena Chan – President, Sun Life Financial Distributors (Canada) Senior Vice-President Retail Advice & Solution 

First of all, everyone has to have responsibility and accountability to create and sustain not only an inclusive but also an equitable environment. For people in leadership positions or people in privileged positions, we need to be role models to demonstrate that all the time.

Shokoofeh Shafiei – Financial Planner, Sun Life Dyah Ambarwati – Chief of Human Resources, Sun Life Indonesia

Inclusion, in my opinion, means inclusion of qualification. Inclusion of knowledge, inclusion of experience, inclusion of skills. It's just about being seen, being recognized and being appreciated.

Dyah Ambarwati – Chief of Human Resources, Sun Life Indonesia 

From the talent acquisition perspective. We have to implement the same opportunity and treatment to everyone who is interested in joining Sun Life Indonesia.

Marina Christianti – Vice President, Head of People Development Partnership Distribution, Sun Life Indonesia 

Diverse leadership, inspire others, and encourage them to give the best to the team.

Cynthia Michener – Assistant Vice President, Communications  

I think the whole atmosphere at Sun Life inspires inclusion. We wake up thinking about it and we go to bed thinking about it. I know you do?

Tammi Wortham – SVP, Human Resources, Sun Life U.S. 

Yeah. So you start to realize you have a role in that. And that's what inclusion is in my mind.

Cynthia Michener – Assistant Vice President, Communications


International Women’s Day 2024: #InspireInclusion

This International Women’s Day, we’re getting inspired by the incredible women who lead with compassion and conviction across Sun Life.

At Sun Life, we know that when we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we create a better world. And when women are themselves inspired to be included, there is a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.

This year, we are proud to be recognized as a best workplace for women in 2024 by Great Place to Work Canada.

Here are just a few of our colleagues’ thoughts on the importance of inclusion and mentorship.

"Representation matters. When we're trying to improve the Client experience, and do better to achieve our Purpose, we need to make sure that all sorts of different viewpoints are included."

Laura Money, Executive Vice-President, Chief Information and Technology Innovation Officer

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"What motivated me, in my career, was working for women leaders who believed in me before I believed in myself. They saw something in me before I knew I had it. They took chances on me, and really stretched me.

That leads me to really want to pay it forward – because I was the beneficiary of such inspiring women leaders."

Rowena Chan, President, Sun Life Financial Distributors (Canada) Inc., Senior Vice-President, Retail Advice & Solutions

"It matters a lot to me to create a safe and inclusive space for women. As a woman leader and a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, I am all about ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard. And through mentorship, women can share their wins and successes and misses and learnings with other women. It’s all about lifting each other up." 

Marie-Chantal Côté, Senior Vice-President, Group Benefits

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"To be inspiring, you need a vision. And so I encourage everybody to think about what's possible: what can we do to actually improve the lives of Canadians? That, to me, is something we can all rally behind."

Oricia Smith, President of SLGI Asset Management Inc. and Senior Vice-President of Investment Solutions at Sun Life Canada

"For me, inspiring inclusion is the ultimate diversity of thought, with different voices sharing diverse opinions. As a leader it’s a two-way role – making it safe for people to speak up and achieve their full potential, but also leading by example so they can see me walking my talk."

Simona Salter, Senior Vice-President, Client Experience Office, Sun Life Canada

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"My encouragement, especially to women, is – you know more than you think, and you have more expertise and depth than you probably give yourself credit for."

Alison Chick, Senior Vice-President, Health Solutions

“Being surrounded by inspiring women encouraged me to seize new opportunities, and it gave me confidence that we can have both a family and a career. It doesn’t have to be a choice.”

Jackie Patel, Assistant Vice-President, Marketing & Communications in GRS Market Development

“I’ve never placed limits on myself because of my gender. And to me, it’s important to work in a company like Sun Life that shares the same values.”

Geneviève Pepin, Assistant Vice-President & Senior Counsel

“Mentorship empowered me to expand my vision – it’s a form of celebration where we invite people we trust into our ambitions.”

Louise Dubé, Assistant Vice-President, Canadian Document Services

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