Joseph Bevilacqua

Joseph Bevilacqua

Client Relationship Executive

Department: Group Retirement Services

Location: Toronto

U of T - Bachelor of Commerce, Specialized in finance and economics

Graduation year: 2010

What is your current role at Sun Life?

As a Client Relationship Executive I have overall accountability for my Group Retirement Services client’s satisfaction, conduct regular plan reviews, provide product and service updates, and assist them with plan changes.

Getting started

I knew coming out of university that I wanted to work the financial service industry and preferably for a Canadian company; when I attended the on-campus session that Sun Life hosted at U of T, I felt a strong connection with individuals there.  After hearing about their roles and tenure at the company, it made me want to apply as it seemed like a very welcoming organization and today I can confirm that is truly the case.

I get this question from many recent graduates and current students when visiting campuses. I think the most important thing is to be yourself and show your passion about the type of work and experience that you are interested in pursuing. Any interview I have been in I treated it like a conversation. You want to stand out and you want to leave the room after feeling like you made an impression and a connection. The only way to do that is by being yourself, don’t be who you think they want you to be. Also I know this might sound a bit odd but don’t be afraid to laugh if something funny happens in the interview, I think showing your true emotions is a big plus! I know it’s a different way to look at it but it’s not only about trying to be the right fit for the job but it’s more important to find the job and organization you believe is right for you.

Your role

I love my role now as I can honestly say every day is different. I have contact with my plan sponsors I support every day which is great. l work with my clients on projects around helping their employees save for retirement through their workplace savings plan. Some of these project include changing funds on their investment lineup, walking a client through how their employees can enroll online via, and setting up a welcome call from a Sun Life Financial representative to ensure they understand their plan.

The most challenging part of my job is around problem resolution, ensuring when something does go wrong with one of my clients how do we not only fix the issue but how do we put into place an action plan of checks and balances to ensure the same issue does not happen again.

Like in any job mistakes happen, but sometimes the conversations I have with clients are difficult. No one likes to be the bearer of bad news but sometimes that’s me! In the end when you are in any job mistakes do happen and clients understand that. The important thing is to ensure that you put the right system in place so the same mistake doesn’t happen again because that is your credibility being tested.

The most satisfying part of my job is knowing I am helping over 12,000 Canadians save for their retirement though their workplace Retirement Savings Plans. Also helping my plan sponsors find new and innovative ways to ensure that their employees are taking advantage of these workplace savings plans. I have learned that no two clients are alike - it is important to keep that in mind when setting expectations and goals.

Working at Sun Life

I have to say from the day I started my orientation almost 5 years ago to now I have felt welcome and supported! The great thing about Sun Life is that no matter what business unit you are in it is easy to find ways to connect and cooperate with others. You don’t feel trapped or pigeonholed in your department or area when it comes to looking for advice or just people to network internally with.

  1. The passionate people I work with  
  2. Opportunity for growth
  3. Being part of an innovative company  

I think I have grown a lot over the last 5 years here at Sun Life but so has the company, which is great. There is a lot of room for growth not only in Group Retirement Services but also through the acquisition of Bentall Kennedy and the startup of Sun Life Investment Management and other areas. Sun Life has truly been supportive of me as I continue to pursue a few designations that I am hoping to complete in the near future.

Advice and insights

It’s a great place to learn. I have been here 5 years now and have had 4 different jobs thus far each pushing me to that next level. Not only am I being push to the next level but what’s exciting is that our clients in all of Sun Life Financial lines of business are pushing us to be innovative and industry leading in a lot of different areas which makes it an exciting place to work.  

  1. If there are sessions on campus attend it! It’s a great way to learn about the company and the culture.
  2. As I said before, be yourself in any interview you find yourself in!
  3. Stay positive throughout your application process and search!

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