What are your chances of getting type 2 diabetes or prediabetes? Find out by taking the CANRISK diabetes test, developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
All you need to do is answer 11 simple questions in the CANRISK questionnaire about risk factors such as your age, weight, family history, level of physical activity and diet.
Sample questions:
When you’re done, you will get a score that indicates your level of risk for developing the disease: high, moderate or low.
Helpful diabetes prevention tips are also scattered throughout the questionnaire, such as recommendations to aim to walk for an average of 30 minutes per day and to eat seven to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. These tips will help you understand the various risk factors and to counteract some of the ones you have control over, such as diet and exercise habits.
If you’re between 40 and 74, the diabetes risk questionnaire is meant for you, although if you’re younger but have risk factors such as being overweight or having a strong family history of the disease, you may also find it useful.
While your score is not a substitute for a clinical diagnosis, if it indicates you’re at risk, you should consider discussing your results with your doctor or nurse practitioner.
This diabetes questionnaire is designed and provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Please reach out to them if you are having trouble using or accessing this tool.
Find out how Sun Life is teaming up to beat diabetes.