Voice ID – Frequently asked questions

When you call us, voice ID is a safe, convenient way to protect your information.

  • It gives you a higher level of protection than many other identity verification options, such as security questions.
  • It better prevents fraudulent or unauthorized access to private data, such as your personal or account information.
  • When you call us, voice ID verifies your identity safely, quickly and easily.

Voice ID is a biometric security system that uses your unique voice – or voiceprint – to verify who you are whenever you call us. 

  • To create your voiceprint, we use voice recognition technology that captures the distinct sound and qualities of your speaking voice. This technology then produces a digital model of your voice which becomes your voiceprint.
  • Once we create your voiceprint, we keep it safe by encrypting it and storing it in a highly-secured voice ID system.
  • Then, when you call, we use your voiceprint to verify your identity – safely, quickly and easily.

A biometric is the measurement and analysis of a person’s unique physical or behavioural qualities – like voice patterns – that can be used to verify their identity.

A person’s biometric measurement and analysis are, by law, personal information. Companies that use biometrics must adhere to strict regulations to protect the privacy of this information.

When you call us, voice ID compares your speaking voice to your unique voiceprint. So instead of asking security questions, we can verify your identity through your voiceprint – safely, quickly and easily.

Voice ID has several advantages:

  • It provides a higher level of protection than many other identity verification options.
  • It better prevents fraudulent or unauthorized access to private data, such as your personal or account information.
  • It’s a safe, fast and secure way for us to verify who you are, anytime you call us.

Yes, voice ID is very safe:

  • Your voice is as unique as your fingerprints. Your voiceprint is based on the distinct sound and qualities of your speaking voice.
  • No one can access your voiceprint. We keep it safe by encrypting it and storing it in a highly-secured voice ID system.
  • We don’t share your voiceprint with anyone. And we only use it to verify your identity when you call us. Please see our global privacy statement for more detail about our commitment to your privacy.

Voice ID is a safe, convenient way to protect your information:

  • It gives you a higher level of protection than many other identity verification options, such as security questions.
  • It better prevents fraudulent or unauthorized access to private data, such as your personal or account information.
  • When you call us, we can verify your identity safely, quickly and easily.

We do it over the phone, while you’re speaking with one of our Client Care representatives:

  • When you call us, the first thing we’ll do is verify your identity by asking security questions.
  • Then, we’ll need your permission to create your voiceprint. Our representative will ask if you want to create a voice ID. All you need to do is answer yes or no.
  • When we have your permission, we’ll create your voiceprint as you continue to talk with our representative. While you talk, our voice recognition technology will capture the distinct sound and qualities of your speaking voice.
  • We can create most voiceprints from 15 to 30 seconds of conversation.

No. The only personal information we collect for your voiceprint are the distinct sound and qualities of your speaking voice.

No. We use your voiceprint only to verify your identity when you call us.

Voice ID uses highly-advanced technology. If you call when you’re sick or there’s a lot of background noise, voice ID still works. If we’re not 100% sure who’s calling, we’ll verify your identity through your security questions.

No. Voice ID uses highly-advanced technology that captures the distinct sound and qualities of your speaking voice. If someone’s voice is similar to yours or if anyone tries to impersonate you, your voiceprint won’t work for them.

No one has access to your voiceprint. It’s encrypted and stored in a highly-secured voice ID system located in Quebec, Canada. The only time it’s accessed is when you call us, and it’s all done through our voice ID system.

None of our team members can access voiceprint files. And for privacy reasons, we don’t share voiceprint files with anyone. Please see our global privacy statement for more detail about our commitment to your privacy.

No, because a voiceprint isn’t a recording. It’s a code created by voice recognition technology. This code consists of millions of numbers that only our voice ID system can discern. 

None of our team members can access voiceprint files. And for privacy reasons, we don’t share voiceprint files with anyone. Please see our global privacy statement for more detail about our commitment to your privacy.

We’ll keep your voiceprint for three years and then permanently delete it. Once we delete it, the next time you call, we’ll need to verify your identity by asking you security questions. Then, we’ll need your permission to create a new voiceprint for you.

You can also opt out of voice ID at any time. We’ll safely delete your voiceprint from our system and go back to verifying your identity through security questions. If you change your mind, we’ll help you create a new voiceprint.

When you call us, voice ID provides a higher level of protection than many other identity verification options. If you don’t want to use it, we’ll continue to ask you security questions to verify your identity.

When you call us, voice ID provides a higher level of protection than many other identity verification options. But you can opt out at any time. We’ll safely delete your voiceprint from our system and go back to verifying your identity through security questions. If you change your mind, we’ll help you create a new voiceprint.

In Canada, Sun Life offers voice ID in both English and French.

Sun Life must get your permission to create your voiceprint. We can use your voiceprint only to verify your identity when you call us. We need to ensure that you know that voice ID is an optional service. You can decline it or opt out of it at any time. We also need to let you know if we move your voiceprint data outside of Canada. For Quebec residents, we need to let you know if we move your voiceprint data outside of Quebec.