Sun Life isn't required to offer temporary income. This is an option provided by the Quebec Supplemental Pension Plans Act. To request temporary income, the option must be available as part of your contract.
If you’re under age 54:
- You can draw a temporary income each year.
- To qualify for a temporary income, you must meet the following conditions:
- be under age 54 the year before you apply
- have only one LIF
- any other income you expect to receive the year after you apply, other than Family Allowance or support payments, must not exceed 40% of the YMPE
Please note: an application for a temporary income is valid only for the year in which it’s made.
- You can not receive both a maximum life income and a temporary income in the same year.
- To determine the amount available for temporary income and the forms required select Quebec LIF Quick Calc.
- Tip: For the purpose of the value of "other income" in the Quick Calc inputs, the regular LIF income for you must be considered zero. That’s because you’ll receive zero LIF income if you’re getting temporary income and are under age 54. You can not receive both at the same time if you’re under age 54.
- You apply to the administrator for temporary income by completing the following:
- Schedule 0.5 - Temporary LIF income (under age 54), and
- Schedule 0.9.1 - Transfer to a LIF (under age 54)
- You’ll receive payment for the temporary income amount on a monthly basis.
- The monthly payment you receive can not exceed 40% of the YMPE divided by 12.
If you’re between the ages of 54 to 64:
- You can draw a temporary income each year regardless of your employment income.
- To qualify for a temporary income, you must be at least 54 years of age and less than 65 years of age before you apply.
Please note: an application for a temporary income is valid only for the year in which it’s made.
- If you withdraw a temporary income, the maximum life income amount will be reduced.
- Sun Life must provide you with account details, where the funds transferred into the LIF during the current year are not directly or indirectly from another LIF
- The amount of temporary income you can receive depends primarily on other temporary income that you get under a supplemental pension plan or another LIF.
- To determine the amount available for temporary income and what forms are required select Quebec LIF Quick Calc
- You can apply to Sun Life for temporary income by completing the following:
- an application/instructions that provides direction of the temporary income, and
- Schedule 0.4 - Temporary LIF income (ages 54-64)
- Schedule 0.9 - Transfer to a LIF (age 54 and over) - used when temporary income is being requested right after the transfer from a LIRA or LIF
- A portion of the income can be transferred to a retirement savings product. The balance of this product can’t be converted to a life annuity and it can’t exceed the maximum life income for the year.
- You can take the temporary income portion in a lump sum withdrawal or on a monthly basis.
- The temporary income can’t be paid after the end of the year in which you turn age 65.
For more information: