Grow your money faster AND consolidating your savings

You may be eligible to transfer savings1 you have with other financial institutions to your workplace plan with Sun Life.

Why transfer your savings to Sun Life?

By transferring your savings to Sun Life, you can take full advantage of your workplace plan:

  • Lower management fees: You have access to fund management fees that are typically lower than fees on similarly managed funds available on a retail basis to the average individual investor with other financial institutions. You may not think this makes much of a difference, but you’ll be surprised at the impact over the long term. Paying lower fund management fees can potentially save you a significant amount of money over time.
  • Maximize your returns: With your workplace plan, you have access to a wide range of institutional quality fund managers that can help build a well-diversified portfolio.2
  • Improve your financial decision making: Having your savings with one financial institution better enables you to periodically review and adjust your investments. Since various assets perform differently over time, this can help ensure you don’t miss an opportunity to earn more.
  • Simplify your finances: Dealing with paperwork and online statements from multiple financial institutions can be overwhelming. Combining your investment accounts in one place is more convenient and can save you valuable time.

Watch this Simply put : should you consolidate your savings? to learn more.

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Take advantage of your workplace plan. Transfer your savings today.

Sign into and go to my financial centre > Requests > Consolidate your savings from the top menu.

Or call 1-866-733-8612 and speak to a licensed Financial Services Consultant.3


1 Subject to the terms of your plan and personal contribution limits as defined by the Income Tax Act.

2 Funds must be held for a minimum of 30 days before making changes, or you may be subject to a short-term trading penalty.

3 Identified as Financial Security Advisors in the province of Quebec.