Taking action on your retirement plan

Our team of licensed Retirement Consultants can assist you in determining the retirement income solution suitable for you (RIF/LIF and/or annuity), and in setting it up. They are available by phone to discuss:

  • Retirement income planning for assets accumulated through your workplace plan(s), including a review of your risk tolerance and your investment strategy
  • Gaining additional savings through consolidating your assets (including commuted values from a defined benefit pension plan)
  • How government programs and your own workplace retirement savings plan work with your total financial picture
  • Insurance solutions to protect you and your family’s financial future
  • Options for spousal assets

Our Retirement Consultants can also connect you with a Sun Life Financial Advisor, who can meet with you in person for a more in-depth discussion on building and protecting your savings.

In addition to the services provided by Retirement Consultants, a Sun Life Financial Advisor can also help you to:

  • Assess your current situation by examining your finances holistically, including tax and estate considerations
  • Set achievable financial goals, identify opportunities and develop a realistic plan to meet those goals
  • Put your plan into action and monitor its progress
  • Revise your plan to accommodate changes in your goals

Next steps

  1. Consult the CRA and RRQ websites for information on government programs: cra.gc.ca and rrq.gouv.qc.ca.
  2. Refer to online tools and resources in the Retirement income section of sunlife.ca/choices.
  3. Follow these steps:
    • Revisit your retirement savings to confirm you are on track
    • Make sure you have a financial plan and estate plan in place
    • Understand what you need to do with your employer
    • Ask your employer or benefits provider if you can extend your benefits coverage in retirement
    • Understand what you need to do with your government benefits
  4. Complete the Retirement savings calculator.
  5. Call one of our Retirement Consultants to help you make informed decisions about your retirement savings or refer you to a Sun Life Financial Advisor.