Lydia's her girl

Cynthia and Lydia’s relationship began on April 10, 2015. That’s the day that Cynthia first received a call from Lydia, a Retirement Consultant1 at Sun Life.

Cynthia had recently lost her job and had to move her money out of her company’s defined contribution pension plan. Lydia contacted Cynthia to help her with the transfer. After Lydia explained the options available to her, Cynthia decided to transfer her money to a Sun Life Choices Retirement Income Plan.

After they completed the transfer, Lydia explained that whenever Cynthia wanted, she could just pick up the phone and call Lydia to talk about her Choices plan.

Eight months later, Cynthia took Lydia up on her offer. She called and said she needed money from the fund now and it was more than the maximum she was allowed to withdraw. Lydia explained that Cynthia’s provincial government allowed a one-time withdrawal due to financial hardship and she helped Lydia complete the forms that had to be submitted for approval. During the next few weeks Lydia regularly called Cynthia to keep her updated on the progress of her request.

Once the province approved the withdrawal Lydia called Cynthia to let her know that a cheque was being mailed to her. Upon getting the news that the money was on it’s way to her, Cynthia said, “You have been so wonderful!”

Lydia had more good news. Cynthia was presently investing in a fund that would soon be discontinued and the money would be transferred to a new fund with a lower fund management fee. That meant more money for Cynthia!
Before they ended the call Lydia said, “If you have any questions just ring me up.”

Cynthia responded, “I certainly will. I feel like I know you and you’ve been most helpful. She added, “I don’t know anyone in Toronto but if I did and they wanted to invest in a company I would say, go see Lydia, she’s your girl!”

For a portfolio review call a licensed Financial Services Consultant1 today at 1-877-805-9303. There are no fees for this service.

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