5. Re-evaluate

A focus on mental health is an ongoing effort, not a one-time occurrence. The work doesn’t stop on the day you launch your mental health strategy.

There needs to be a continual review process.

This is because your organization’s needs – and effective strategies – may change over time.

Continual review


Adjust goals and take
corrective action

Having an ongoing review process is critical. Through evaluation, you can assess whether or not you achieved your intended outcomes and improved psychological health and safety. From there you can adjust your plans and take any corrective action. This will help keep your organization moving in the right direction.

How often you review your progress depends on what works best for your organization. You may want to start with a monthly review of your initial progress. Then, move to quarterly reviews and reporting on your progress to stakeholders. An annual review is recommend to report on outcomes and where you are relative to your baseline.

Things to consider in your review:
  • an analysis of key outcome data
  • a review of significant findings
Questions you want to ask:
  • Is the strategy you’ve implemented working?
  • Is it suitable with the means and resources you have?
  • Is it achieving its intended outcomes?
Outcomes of the review:
  • Opportunities to improve and take any corrective actions;  
  • Update any of the relevant policies and procedures;
  • Adjust and update goals, targets, and action plans; and
  • Identify different ways to communicate that will improve understanding and enable you to share updates.

Leaders need to do everything they can to
empower employees in managing their well-being and
creating healthier work environments. We all need to
accelerate actionable and meaningful change, now.

If you have any questions along the way, 
contact Sun Life's Mental Health Solutions