Sun Life can be your partner of choice, given our expertise and experience with DB pension plan de-risking solutions.

Why partner with us
  • Strength

  • Protection

  • Experience

  • Talent

  • Client Service

Expand the sections below for more information on each topic.

The strength and stability of a trusted Canadian company means security for your plan members’ pensions.

  • AA financial strength rating from Standard & Poor’s
  • 141% LICAT ratio1
  • $241 billion in assets undermanagement1
  • 155 year history in Canada, providing annuities to Canadians for over 140 years

1As of December 31, 2023, for Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.

Sun Life’s prudent risk management practices and capital policies ensure we keep our promises to clients.

There are several layers of security when you work with Sun Life:






Insurance protection

Strong risk management capabilities




Low probability of default



High expected recovery

Prudent assessment of liabilities
Regulatory capital
Additional capital
OSFI monitoring
OSFI intervention
  • Strong risk management capabilities. We follow an enterprise risk management framework with a risk culture embedded in our philosophy, values and accountabilities.
  • Prudent assessment of liabilities. We are required to hold reserves equal to the best estimate of our liabilities, plus a margin for adverse experiences.
  • Regulatory and additional capital. We are required to hold capital in addition to reserves, in accordance with the Life Insurance and Capital Adequacy Test (LICAT). With a LICAT ratio of 141% (as of December 31, 2023), our capital ratio is well above OSFI’s supervisory target ratio of 100% and regulatory minimum ratio of 90%.
  • OSFI monitoring and intervention. OSFI monitors us closely and requires immediate corrective action if defined thresholds are breached.
  • Assuris. In the unlikely event that Sun Life becomes insolvent, the annuity policy is transferred to a solvent company. Assuris guarantees that plan participants will retain up to $5,000 per month or 85% of the promised pension, whichever is higher.

You can benefit from our long history of successfully executing large and complex pension risk transfer deals and our long-standing history of managing liability driven investments.

Annuities and longevity insurance:

  • #1 provider of group annuities since 2008
  • Over 300 group annuity deals implemented since 2008, including 50 annuity purchases of $100 million or more
  • A robust implementation process guided by a dedicated client services manager

Innovation at a glance:

  • 1st longevity insurance deal in North America
  • Largest single day, single employer annuity deal with Alcoa
  • 1st annuity deal for active members with Husky Energy
  • 1st Canadian in-kind transfer
  • 1st annuity buy-in solution

You can rely on our diverse team of pension and investment experts to help solve your most challenging pension headaches.

We have a diverse background - including:

  • Pension actuaries
  • Annuity experts
  • Longevity researchers

We are passionate about helping you translate your challenges into customized, cost effective solutions. We believe this is the only team of its kind in Canada.

We provide high touch service to ensure an exceptional client experience for you and your plan members.

  • A proven administration system processes $1.25 billion in annual pension payments to 125,000 retired members every month
  • A dedicated client relationship team provides day-to-day contact for plan sponsors to oversee implementations, provide reporting and updates and assist in governance activities.

Data as of December 31, 2023.