What began as a trend is now a broad, mainstream movement. When it comes to investing, most Canadians want to make informed decisions on sustainability issues. We’re here to help your members learn more. 

We’re committed to making it easier to integrate sustainable investments into workplace plans. Our goal is to help plan members invest sustainably, achieve lifetime financial security and live healthier lives.

These new educational videos are part of an online campaign which will introduce this important topic to plan members. They will help them understand what ESG is and how managers generally integrate ESG factors into their investment process.

Sustainable investing approaches

Sustainable investing approaches video thumbnail

This video provides more information on the three approaches to sustainable investing.

Ways managers integrate ESG

Ways managers integrate ESG video thumbnail

Watch the video to learn more about how managers integrate ESG risks into their investment process.

Sun Life and sustainability

Sun Life and sustainability video thumbnail

Watch this video to learn more about Sun Life and sustainability.