It can be difficult to know which products and solutions will have the greatest impact on their goals. That’s why we created the Real Health Solutions playbook – for you!

This guide can help you start conversations with your Clients about their workplace health strategies. It’s easy to use and allows you to take a targeted approach with your Clients.

The modular approach offers your Clients solutions that are: accessible, cost-effective, and based on insights you have about their needs.

The playbook includes four health-focused modules including:

  • Prevention
  • Incidence and duration management
  • Mental health
  • Chronic disease management

Your Clients have the flexibility to mix and match solutions. These modules can also provide strong guidance based on best practices. This helps Clients and their employees improve their well-being based on their unique goals and needs.

We encourage you to refer to the playbook whenever needed and to share this with your teams.

Questions? We’re here to help.

Please contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative.