Your employees have the world’s top medical subspecialities on their side! 

Here’s how you can help them remember to call Teladoc Medical Experts in times of medical uncertainty.

Remember these quick facts

Teladoc Medical Experts allows employees, their spouses, dependent children, parents and parents-in-law take control of their health by helping them:

  • Understand a medical condition.
  • Confirm they have the right diagnosis.
  • Ensure they are aware of the best treatment options.
  • Get an expert second opinion.
  • Navigate the Canadian health care system.
  • Find a specialist within their provided parameters.

For the Expert Medical Opinion service, Teladoc Medical Experts matches each caller with a clinician who will become their personal health advocate. They will:

  • Ensure their medical records are collected free of charge.
  • Send the records to an expert clinician for review.
  • Ensure your employees have the information and support needed to make more informed medical decisions.

For more information on Teladoc Medical Experts, call 1-877-419-2378 or visit

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How does Teladoc Medical Experts help?

Personal Health Navigator helps plan members navigate the healthcare system to take control of their own health by providing access to resources, ongoing one-on-one support and a wide range of health-related information.

Claire* has been diagnosed with diabetes and she’d like to know as much as she can about it. Claire called Teladoc Medical Experts. Her Member Advocate conducted an in-depth interview to understand her circumstances. A week later, Claire had website links, statistics, information on local resources and other valuable tools to help her take control of her diabetes.

Find a Doctor and Care Finder help you find specialist services.

Natalie* needs an orthopaedic specialist but can’t travel far. She called Teladoc Medical Experts and they gave her the name of a specialist in her area. They sent her the specialist’s biography with background information. They also sent her wait times and how to have her treating physician complete the referral. Natalie has the choice to have her case reviewed by a leading care facility outside of Canada too. She’s got all the information she needs to take the next step.

Expert Medical Opinion gives you a second opinion.

Joseph’s* doctor told him he needs back surgery. Joseph wants to be 100% sure before taking such a big step. He’s called Teladoc Medical Experts and an expert physician reviewed his medical records. Joseph received a written report with the specialist’s recommendations that he can share with his own doctor.

Ask the Expert allows members to have their health questions answered in writing by a leading medical specialist.

Shaun* was recently diagnosed with high cholesterol and is prescribed a treatment plan. He has questions about his treatment and the medications he’s taking. What are the side effects of the medication? What is the likelihood of experiencing these side effects? Will he have to be on the medication his entire life? Is it more effective in lowering cholesterol than lifestyle modifications? His Member Advocate reviews his medical history over the phone and helps him formulate questions to send to his Teladoc Medical Experts. A week later, Shaun’s given a written report with answers, information, and additional questions that he could ask his treating physician to make him feel confident about the treatment of his condition.

*Examples only; these are not actual patient names and situations.

This web page is intended for Sun Life plan sponsors with Teladoc Medical Experts as part of their benefits plan. If you would like to find out more about adding Teladoc Medical Experts to your plan, please contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative.

©2021 Teladoc Health, Inc. All rights reserved. Teladoc, Teladoc Medical Experts and the Teladoc logo are trademarks of Teladoc Health, Inc. and may not be used without written permission. Logos and Trademarks are used with permission. All representations about the services of Teladoc Medical Experts are those of Teladoc Health, Inc., and not Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.  Sun Life Assurance of Canada cannot guarantee the availability of the services, and reserves the right to cancel the service at any time.  For more information on Teladoc Medical Experts, call 1-877-419-2378 or visit